All posts by multimediavalerie

Class Reflection

My favorite project for this class was making the video. I got to have fun with my teammates while filming it. The editing process went really well for me, it was a project that I enjoyed doing from beginning to end. I also enjoyed the audio project almost as much. I got out of my comfort zone because I had to interview people.

I had never touched the Adobe software before so this entire course I was learning something new. It was definitely a challenge for me at times. I will probably use all of the software I learned in this class.

I’m going into sport management, but I don’t know exactly which career path in sport management. Either filming or the business side of sports. If I go into filming I’ll be using the audio editing and video editing the most. But if I go into graphics or marketing, I’ll be using the photo shop and logo design.

The course covered everything I expected it to cover. Going into this class I didn’t think it was going to be as time consuming and hard. I thought it was going to be an easy A but it wasn’t easy. I was challenge at times with figuring out how to work the software.

I didn’t find any resources other than what was given in the course.

I really enjoyed this class, it was just the right amount of difficulty. I don’t think I ever got the feedback from the drafts I did until after I submitted my final project. Which wasn’t helpful because if I had gotten the feedback earlier I think I would have done better on the final projects. That’s the only thing I can think of that I would change about the course. Thanks for the great semester!

Final Video Story

I fixed the angles of the videos to horizontal and not vertical. I used the razor to take portions of the videos and delete them, the parts I didn’t need. I muted the video so that the background noise wasn’t competing with the narration. I also added music, I was having difficulty figuring out how to lower the volume for just the music and keeping the narration louder. I couldn’t figure it out.

The main idea I had for this video story was to have my teammates field grounders and have me voice over what they’re are doing. I added some fun to the video so I had one of my teammates show the wrong way to field grounders, very dramatically. It makes the video light, fun and comedic.

I used a few different angles for the shots so that there was a good variety and so the viewer could see what was happening better in many different directions.

I was looking for ideas online about softball and I found a couple different instructional videos. I got the inspiration for doing how not to field grounders from watching bloopers of recruiting videos. This project relates to my topic because my topic is sports and this is a softball video which is a sport.

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:03 Black Screen with text that says “Softball: Fielding Grounders and Throwing”
  • Music in the background
0:03-0:16 Mikaylie fielding grounders from angle #1
  • Music in the background
  • Me introducing Mikaylie and explaining what she’s doing.
0:16-0:35 Mikaylie fielding grounders from angle #2
  • Music in the background
  • Me talking more about what Mikaylie is doing.
0:35-0:57 Mikaylie fielding grounders angle #3
  • Music in the background
  • Me talking more about what Mikaylie is doing.


0:57-1:13 Hannah attempting to field grounders angle #1
  • Music in the background
  • Me introducing Hannah and why she’s fielding wrong.
1:13-1:23 Hannah attempting to field grounders angle #2
  • Music in the background.
  • Me talking more about what Hannah is doing.


1:23-1:37 Hannah attempting to field grounders angle #3
  • Music in the background
  • Me talking more about what Hannah is doing.
1:37-1:39 Black screen with the words “Filmed and Edited by: Valerie Salo. Special Thanks to Mikaylie and Hannah”
  • Music in the background
  • Me talking more about what Hannah is doing.


Video Story

I realized I shot the videos vertically instead of horizontally. I made new recordings but I still need to edit them.

The main idea I had for this video story was to have my teammates field grounders and have me voice over what exactly they are doing. I didn’t put the voice over in this video because I had recorded the videos vertically. I also wanted to add some fun to the video so I had one of my teammates show the wrong way to field grounders, very dramatically. It makes the video light, fun and comedic.

I used a few different angles for the shots so that there was a good variety and so that you could see what was happening better. I want to change the lighting on the videos but I don’t think I can do that with Premier.

Raw Footage and Story Board

I have recorded one of my softball teammates fielding grounders. I will be narrating over this a explaining how she is properly fielding the ground ball. What she is doing correct and what she is doing wrong. How she can improve her position of her upper body and lower body. I will also be explaining what not to do when fielding a ground ball. How to fix problems people may have when they are having trouble. I will also be showing how not to field grounders, because it’s good to know the wrong way to do it.

Final Audio

The interview I created was asking two people who have played several different sports almost their entire lives. I asked them how sports have shaped them into the people they are today. The two individuals I asked were Nehemiah Salo and Libreshia Borgonia. My topic is sports, so this interview relates to my topic because it’s centered around sports.

I didn’t have a specific design influence. I just listened to several interviews and liked the idea of having an engaging upbeat song in the background. I edited the interviews so that it moves along nicely and doesn’t have any unnecessary pauses. My design process started with choosing the right question to ask. I had several different questions I was deciding on, but I decided to go with “How has playing sports shaped you into the person you are today?”

After I had figured out question I was going to ask the two athletes, I needed to find athletes that had been playing sports since they were little and who played sports through college. I immediately thought of my best friend Libby (Libreshia) because I know sports have been a huge part of her life. Then I thought to ask my brother Nehemiah because sports have also been a big part of his life, and he was part of the reason I love sports so much, I wanted to be just like him.

When I had finished the interviews, I began editing them so that they fit together nicely and got rid of the awkward pauses and unnecessary words such as “umm, like and, and”. I put the music in at the end and made it start loud and quite down when people were talking, then at the end had it get loud again. After I got feedback from my peers I decided I wanted to add me asking the question to both Nehemiah and Libby. I did this because it seemed more professional to do this rather than just having the main question at the beginning.

I mostly used the move tool and the trimming tool, I also adjusted the yellow sound line to adjust the level of the sound so that the person talking was louder than the music. It was slightly difficult to know how loud to make the person talking and how quiet to make the music. I had to make sure the music was loud enough to hear but quite enough, so it wasn’t louder than the people talking. There were moments I trimmed too much off the recordings, so I had to go back and retry the trimming process. I would suggest being more careful to save time.

The only sources I used was for the background music. Here’s the website it’s from.

Draft Audio Story

I decided to create an interview about how sports have shaped people into who they are today. I asked Nehemiah Salo and Libreshia Borgonia how they thought sports has shaped their lives. This relates to my topic because it’s centered around sports and how it’s helped.

I didn’t have any specific design influences, I listened to several different interviews and liked the idea of having an upbeat background song. The interview moves along nicely and doesn’t have any unnecessary pauses. My design process started with choosing the right question to ask, I couldn’t decide how to ask a question that could be interpreted differently depending on the receiver.

After I figured out the question I needed to find athletes that had been playing sports since they were little and who played sports through college. I immediately thought of my best friend Libby (Libreshia) because I know sports have been a huge part of her life. Then I thought to ask my brother Nehemiah, sports have also been a big part of his life, and he was part of the reason I love sports so much, I wanted to be just like him.

When I got all my recordings done, I trimmed each of them down to get rid of the awkward pauses and unnecessary words such as “umm, like and, and”. I put the music in at the end and made it start loud and quite down when people were talking, then at the end had it get loud again.

I used the move tool and the trimming tool, also adjusted the yellow sound line to adjust the level of the sound so that the talking was louder than the music. There were moments I trimmed too much off the recordings, so I had to go back and retry the trimming process. I would suggest being more careful to save time.

The only sources I used was for the background music. Here’s the website it’s from.

Final Logo


From the feedback I received I fixed the border along the “WSU”. I decided to move the baseball silhouette more outside of the lettering, so that it wasn’t in the middle of the “WSU” letters. I also experimented with making the grey outlines darker to see how that looked, which I liked the darker grey rather than the light grey. I decided to keep the background color because I don’t think it clashes with the letters. I tried to smooth out the silhouettes to make them look better.

My idea was to make a logo for WSU sports, not just sports because WSU is where I am now. I wanted the logo to include more than just one sport because my topic isn’t just about one sport but all of them.

For the design I used the varsity let tutorial to help me with the lettering. I had a problem with making my design simple, I needed to refine it more and make it less chaotic. I made “WSU” bigger than “Sports” because for this logo “WSU” is more important. For the “WSU” letters I used two fills and four strokes and for the “Sports” letters I used one fill and two strokes. I used the pen tool to trace the outlines of the sports-related items for my logo draft but for the final I refined it with the gradient tool, which helped some. For the final I made it so that it was whiter inside the “WSU” letters so that there wasn’t any of the red background showing.

I got the sports-related items off the internet from I outlined them and made the color black so that they weren’t overwhelming the design. With the grey inside the black letters of “Sports” I tried to erase some of the grey so it didn’t look messy, but I couldn’t figure out how to get the background color to cover it up.


These are the sources I used for the pictures of the sports-related items.