Logo Design Draft


Idea and Inspiration

I decided to create a WSU type logo, that is centered around sports. I wanted to put WSU in my logo because playing sports has lead to me to what I want to major in, which is sport management, and it has lead me to going to school here at WSU. I’ve wanted to go to WSU almost my entire life before I even knew what I wanted to major in. This relates to my course topic because my topic is sports.

Design Process

I liked the Varsity Letter tutorial, so I based my design off that. I wanted my design to be simpler than the varsity letter tutorial. I didn’t want the letters to be overwhelming to the rest of the logo. I used Google to research different types of logos and look at pictures of different designs. My design process was very simple. I used the basics of the varsity tutorial, but I tweaked it to my liking. I made it much simpler without the different fill layers and stroke layers. I made my logo two tiered where the WSU letters are bigger than the Sports letters. WSU is all capitalized while only the first letter of sports is capitalized. I designed it like this so that the focus is more on WSU than sports. For the WSU letters I used two fills and four strokes and for the sports letters I used one fill and two strokes. I also used the pen tool to trace the outline of the different types of sports and then made the color black. I made then plain black, so they didn’t draw too much attention to themselves.

Technical Detail

I collected the sports balls from the internet and I used the varsity letter technique to develop the letters. I used the appearance and the gradient effect to change the letters, using the Adobe software. I had some difficulty figuring out how to change the fill and the stroke so that it applied to the letters. I wasn’t selecting the “type” selection in the appearance bar but once I selected it, it worked. I went on to Pixabay to get pictures of sports so that I could then trace the pictures and use the shapes of them. I need some work with using the pen tool to smooth out the edges of things I trace with it.

Sources and Materials

Here are the sources I used for the pictures of the balls.






2 thoughts on “Logo Design Draft

  1. I would say that your logo design is already really strong at the moment, with interesting text and shapes that further compliment your blog theme. The colors you used look nice together and fit well considering they’re the colors for WSU. The only critiques I can give are within the minute details in the piece, like making sure your border along the “WSU” goes around all the letters (like between the W and the S, for example), and maybe removing some of the inside grey bordering in the “Sports” just because it looks a bit chaotic with as much as there is currently. Although the shapes are integrated fine as they are, if you wanted a less intrusive-looking logo, you could also move the sports-related shapes outside of the lettering a bit more. Besides those points, I think your design is strong and pleasing to the eye and represents really solid work on your part.


  2. Valerie’s logo captivates her topic while incorporating a very appealing color. I enjoyed how Valerie incorporated various sports instead of just basketball since that is the main sport that she is speaking about. Throughout her topic. One of the suggestions I have about Valerie’s logo will be to make the gray outlines darker to help the wording on the logo be more inclusive and audience appealing. I would also suggest changing the background color or the “WSU” color because it is conflicting to the background color. Overall, I enjoyed how creative you were Valerie with making a design that has yet to be made incorporating various sports. I think your task would be to make your logo simpler and less distracting with colors to help captivate the audience. I would also, consider making the colors brighter because it will allow for the “WSU” and “SPORTS” to stick out a lot more.


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